Good bread hits Malaysian market

We have been waiting for a bread like Gardenia’s Breakthru to hit the Malaysian market for a while and are pleased to find that it surpasses our expectations.

Gardenia’s Breakthru Multi-Wholegrain Formula has got the basic formula right to be the bread for a healthy lifestyle. It boasts 31% less calories, 60% less carbohydrate, and 60% more protein, plus 26% less sodium and 12 times more fiber than ordinary bread!

However, the best thing about Breakthru (if you are scientifically inclined) is its low Glycemic Index (G.I). For those of you unfamiliar with the term, G.I. is a ranking system on a scale from 0 to 100 used to measure how fast glucose is released to the blood after eating a particular kind of  food. Foods with low G.I are digested slowly and cause small increases in blood sugar levels and thus keep the blood sugar level calm. Many studies have shown that reducing your G.I is more effective than cutting back on fat for both reducing risk of heart diseases and weight loss.

So much for the science, how about the taste? Well, actually it is great! Despite having no added sugar and less sodium, the bread has a nice whole-grainy taste and true enough to Gardenia’s sales mantra so good –even when eaten on its own.

The packaging and leaflet make good breakfast-time reading for budding scientists, and present a strong case for a healthier lifestyle.

Congratulations to Gardenia, in collaboration with dietician, Prof. Dr. Fatimah Arshad, for coming up with a successful product and providing a healthy food alternative to all Malaysians.

**This article was first published in The Halal Journal Jul/Aug 2005 edition, and was written by Anni Azmi.

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